
Friday, October 29, 2010


Oh RPI, you slime my heart on a regular basis. Just when I think you are on your way to another .500 season you roll off two good wins and are primed to kick some Union butt this weekend up in Lake Placid.

I don't know what it is about Union. The "young" upstarts (compared to RPI), the lousy color scheme of their jerseys (maroon and gray?, just saying those two colors makes me depressed!), a nondescript arena, it all just adds up to suck. Of course, they have been slightly better than RPI in recent years which only leads to the jealousy and bad ghost-like thoughts.

In any event, I think RPI is on a roll after last weekend and with another scoring outburst like last weekend, they should win handily with York in net. Let's get it on Halloween style!

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